Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Baby on Board

So, I know it's been a few weeks since I last posted but, we have been getting our vacation time in and visiting with all our family along the East coast and friends in the Midwest. I have to say from taking the train to Chicago, to sleeping in a pack and play, to running the roads, Kensington has been the best traveller. However, I can not say that about the fellow travelers we came across during our many days away from home.

I never realized how much different having a child would change how you look at your daily activities. Getting in and out of the house and car, a task in it self with all the bags of diapers, extra outfits, toys, food, oh and don't forget your keys and wallet, you might need those. Then, you have Mr. I'm going to park over the line and make impossible for you to open your door completely and get your precious little one out, without turning into a pretzel and knocking their head off on the door frame. I mean, how hard is it to park in the lines provided for you and if you didn't get it the first time, stop rushing around like you have more important stuff to get at Michael's than, a stay at home trying to make a their sale with her additional 40% coupon from her phone app, and just adjust your lousy parking job. Now, I'm not saying that I was never one of those who thought they had a decent parking job, only to find out when leaving my car, it was a disaster, but now I notice it with a whole different perspective and will always make room for the cars beside me to get in and out. I wish the general public thought this way!

Train traveling with a 10 month old was, after all the stress levels went down and the baggage made it on, was quite enjoyable. I was able to keep our large stroller with us and be seated at the front of the train car, which has extra leg room or the perfect spot for Miss KLB's stroller. This is where she slept through the night and entertained herself most of the trip. Even, if we didn't get much sleep because the seats only reclined a little bit, and the train was very rocky, she slept beautifully. She never once had a crying spell or screaming fit, only entertained to traveller around us and was praised for her good behavior. We felt like accomplished parents and travelers when we arrived in Chicago, but then it happened. After 12 hours on a overnight train, I know everyone is itching to get off and head to their final destinations, nobody knows it more than the mother with the 10 month old, a lady with two suit cases and I'd say in her mid-fifties, rolls on up and blocks us in to our seats! When questioned my another travel she says, "This is my stop." REALLY! This was the trains last stop, everyone has to get off lady! So, as the train pulls into the station and everyone begins to bustle around us, we sit. Now, I could have been testy and excused us out of there but, the chaos was too much after 12 hours to fight with. I was amazed at how many people rushed past us to get off the train, and with maybe 3 more couples to depart, the first and only lady, asked if we would like to get out. I declined, of course trying to be nice, but inside I could not help but think how inconsiderate the whole train had been. If she had screamed and cried all night, they would've have gladly pushed us off the train.

It has been an eye opener for me and will make me always think about the people around me first and especially those with children. Other than a few other inconsiderate people I won't continue to vent about, we had three successful trips and are glad to find ourselves back at home in Bluefield with Daddy!