Monday, June 18, 2012

Celebrate Parenthood

Well, I'm not sure if there is a rule book to this blogging thing but, if I can get in one post a week I will feel accomplished. After my last post I kept thinking of things to write about, but at the same time I felt like I was over thinking this whole experience of sitting down to type what was on my mind at that moment. I think being spontaneous about it is a better plan because, I don't need one more thing to keep me up at night! Even though if I was up at night, I guess, I could be writing to you!

We celebrated Father's Day this weekend and it was actually very relaxing and enjoyable. For the first time in many years I was excited for Father's Day to get here. Even though I have always had a father figure in my life to celebrate with, losing your real father at such a young age (4), makes the day not as special. This year both Mother's Day and Father's Day was special because we were the ones being celebrated. I can't put into words how surreal it is to have a child, a daughter that we will mold and raise into an adult, who will then start the cycle all over again.

For me, losing my parents as a child, I never thought the day would come where I had a family. I thought for sure, I was doomed to have a short life like my parents and that the odds were I would go sooner than they did. After my 18th birthday and then my 21st birthday rolled around and life continued, I changed my thinking. You can't live your life fearing the worst is just around the corner. One, you don't get to enjoy it fully and two, you feel the need to rush into things and settle instead of holding out for the best. I am glad my thinking changed in my twenties and I waited and found such an amazing best friend, husband, and father to share my life with. I couldn't ask for a better partner in life and love.

Now, we have our sweet Kensie Leigh to share our lives with and it is amazing seeing her grow each day and change into a little person. I no longer live my life in fear of leaving soon, but live for each day I have with my family. Celebrating being parents has made me realize what an important job we have in life. It's not about the clothes we wear, the car we drive, the trips we take, but it's about providing for our family and loving one another. If we have the other things in life then, those are just a bonus, like the toy in a cereal box! Which, I never see anymore on a side note, cereal is so expensive every box should come with a surprise in it!

So, to any mother or father reading this I hope you celebrated yourself this year because, being a parent is a selfless job and one of the most underpaid, overlooked, professions in the world. Even if you have three other jobs to pay the bills, the most important one is being a parent and raising your child :)

~Mama Bear

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Real Housewife

I was sitting here this morning, drinking my coffee thinking of all the things I need to do in my house before the weekend. Kensington has been sick for a few days with a fever and this has been bring me down too. So, I procrastinate and retreat to my so called "addictions" Facebook, Etsy, and Pinterest. Bear calls them my "addictions" but I prefer to think of them as my hobbies. They take to me to another place and allow me to compile my creative ideas swirling around in my head and save them in a virtual filing cabinet. Sitting down today, looking at my computer screen I realized maybe I should do something with these ideas, like post them on a Blog. I have had this set up for sometime now and not posted the first thing, so here I am! This is my first post and it feels nice to be typing because I want to, not for school, or work, or replying to an email. I almost feel like i'm talking to the world and maybe even a friend that I never knew I had. It is weird, but in some ways therapeutic.

The title I chose for this first post relates to how I am feeling everyday staying at home with my daughter, Kensington. I am the real housewife, not the one you see on TV living a reality show lifestyle, but the one who is at home all day long with a almost ten month old, two dogs, a cat, and the responsibilities of a house. Which, seems much smaller and full of stuff to do when you stay home all day and don't hurry to and from work. I am grateful for this opportunity to raise our daughter and to have the luxury of staying home with her. I never thought this would be an option for us in this economy. This brings me to the beginning, one of the most eye opening experiences of my life, being moved to Bluefield, Va.

It was the last semester of my Masters program at Virginia Commonwealth University, February 12, 2009 when we got the news. News that would rock our world, the world that Bear and I had envisioned living in, owning a home in, creating a family in, and sharing our life together in with our friends and family. That day changed us forever. I am not going to say for bad or good, because there isn't a straight forward answer to that question. I hadn't gotten to talk to Bear all day because I was in class and he was at work. He then had to go straight to sound check at Toads Place in Richmond, Va for the Tribute to Dave Matthews Show with his band Steve Carter Connextion. This was a night everyone was looking forward to and such a big accomplishment for the band. Being the "Band Mom" or manager, I was also headed there and not worried that I hadn't heard from him because I knew I would see him downtown. After everything was set up and sound check was done, Bear came up to me and I knew right away something was wrong. Which of course in my mind, I figured Steven had forgot his capo, again, or something wasn't right with the sound, never guessing what he would tell me next. I asked what the deal was and he gave me a hug and a kiss and said, "You're never going to believe what happened at work today." Right away I'm thinking the worst, he lost his job. In this economy not uncommon and something that wouldn't bother me because I knew he would find something and everything would be ok. He continued to tell me that he was given an ultimatum, he either had to move to the companies western store in Bluefield, Va or he would not have a job in Richmond. On top of this news, they had given him over night to make his decision and he would be moving in two weeks, starting work March 1st. Now, I know what you're thinking, at least he has a job! Yes, we were both aware and grateful for this, but it's hard to see that through the storm of emotions and ideas of future plans we both had created. With this news, I of course started to cry thinking selfishly in the back of my mind, I have to stay here alone because I have one more semester left of school and a job for the summer I had already committed to. He asked me to not tell anyone that night because he didn't want to ruin the show for anyone, of course this was a hard thing to keep to myself and I did tell my roommate Kim, who was also taken back with shock. After the show that night we drove up to my apartment and just talked through all the scenarios and weighed pros and cons, but I knew before our talk this was a no brainer.... He had to go :(

For anyone who knows us, we love our time together but even more we love being with our friends, entertaining, going out for Wednesday night burgers at Curbside, the night life of the band playing 2-3 nights a week, late night Asante's, everything living in Richmond gave us and more. When we googled Bluefield, Va and compared the populations for the two cities it was an eye opener, 1.2 million in Richmond vs 12,000 in Bluefield, rounding the number. The decision was made based on our livelihood and Bears future with the company, he would move. I would stay, finish school and my summer job and move out in August. Sadly, we told our friends and family and this would change many more relationship then I ever thought in the months to come.

Little did I know on February 14, 2009, two days after the news that would change our lives forever, Bear had planned a surprise Engagement party! Both of our families and all of our friends were there to share this once in a life time moment. After a wonderful dinner at Curbside, not consisting of burgers, we drove back my apartment because he insisted we take Bela, our first furry born, out before we headed to the movies. We had been talking of our future and the plans we were starting to rebuild, when he turned to me on the steps of my apartment and started telling me how him moving was not going to change anything in our relationship and how much he loved me, before I could respond he was on one knee pulling out a ring box! My first words were "Oh Shit" not what you want to say during a proposal or something I usually say but, I was in complete shock and surprised. The second things I said was "Yes!" I told him he didn't need to do this just because he was leaving that we would be fine, but he insisted this was in the works way before the news of him moving. I was so excited to get inside and call everyone while I was letting the dog out, but when I walked inside through the dining room door was everyone I wanted to see and more! They were all there to celebrate with us and share in this special moment. I couldn't have asked for a better Valentine's Day/Engagement Party/Proposal!

The next 6 months were tough and we saw each other almost every weekend, which made for a lot of driving since it was a 6 hour drive. Somehow we survived with only a few lonely nights at Curbside, and one hound dog later, we reunited in Bluefield to start the year of planning for our August 2010 wedding.  I was unable to get a contract teaching job, and settled for being an aide for child with autism, which proved to be a very challenging and draining job. We also shared our living quarters with Bears co-worker and it was nice to have to company but after awhile we decided we should start looking for a house. We never thought we would find one so fast and fall in love with it! I was still hesitant about calling this our home because the convinces we both grew up with, were not in Bluefield. Target is an hour away in any direction, the only grocery store is Food City, half of the mall stores are vacant, and most shopping in general is done at Walmart, which was never my first choice. Not only that but, none of our friends or family were near by, testing our relationship everyday. You really learn that outside of being social and sharing the daily grind with each other, when it's just you and your partner you need to enjoy each others company, even if it's just sitting with each other not doing anything.

We decided to take the plunge and bought our home in May of 2010, and then were happily married on my parents anniversary, 8.7.10. Even though this was never in our plans to live in Bluefield, buy a home so quickly, and live the simple life, it has proven to us that plans are nice but surprises can bring things you never imagined. The following school year I unsuccessfully applied to several counties and did not get a contract position teaching. In October, I was offered a long term sub position teaching in Mercer County, WV for a 4th grade class. I was so happy and excited to have my first classroom, even though it didn't guarantee a position for the following year. Who knew this would be just fine, because three days after Christmas we found out we were expecting a human baby!

We were delighted at the news of having a baby. Even though we had just married in August, we had been together 5 years going on 6 and were ready to start a family. This is when the decision came for me to stay at home to raise our child. Bear's mother was also lucky enough to stay at home and raise her family. This is what he wanted for his family too and I agreed since we had no family or really hadn't built a relationship with anyone we trusted to watch our child everyday, it was best for me to stay at home. I finished out the year with my 4th graders and made my traveling rounds through the summer to visit friends and family before we would be without the duel income, which allowed us to travel.

August 26, 2011 our surprise baby girl, Kensington Leigh Bear was born! What we did with our time before her, I do not know?  She keeps us busy and has grown so fast!  She is what we live our lives for now, not Curbside burgers and beers, not SCC, not being social with our friends, not shopping, just loving her and making sure she has the best life possible. You become such a selfless person when you have a child. The things that were important to you seem frivolous and small compared to this life you have brought into the world. The people you thought meant so much to you and were your friends, you come to realize have been replaced by your family. The family that you have created and the family that has been there since you were created, those are your true friends. Do we miss our friends? Yes, but in the big picture there are so many more important things in life then trying to maintain friendships that are one sided and stressful, FAMILY!

Well, this was a very liberating experience to write all this out and now who knows who will read it but I know I feel a lot better and that's what matters :)

~Mama Bear